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Strada Argentina 25, Sector 1 Bucharest (Romania)


Phone: 00.40. 724.485.782 



e-mail: info@vincixfuturo.com; vincixfuturo@gmail.com ​

Accredited by the Ministry of Education | Ministry of Labor and Social Policies  | Ministry of Romanian Tourism.

Choose to specialize in Romania and

become a European professional


Vincix Futuro offers the possibility to finally obtain the teaching qualification (for kindergarten and primary school) for all candidates holding only a High School Diploma


Mainly, we offer highly qualified tutoring on national and community regulations aimed at obtaining the teaching qualification in Romania and the recognition of the aforementioned title in Italy.


What our offer includes:


-Homologation process of Italian titles to the corresponding Romanian title (including Ministerial fees, translation of all documents, notary authentication, and anything else necessary);


-Romanian language course: optional attendance, online lessons, one-month duration;


-Language exams and the related B2 certificate, necessary for registration with the MIUR

-Enrollment in the enabling University course for teaching (kindergarten and primary up to middle schools), psychopedagogical module (120 CFU/ECTS), optional attendance, online lessons, three academic years duration;


-Bilingual and logistical assistance;​​


-On-site tutoring service provided by tutors of Italian and Romanian nationality who will accompany the participants throughout the entire training process;


-Assistance and search for suitable logistical accommodation near the Romanian University. Living, accommodation, and travel expenses are borne by the participant;


-Training internship of at least 12 days to be carried out in Romania, through a regular contract with a Romanian university accredited by the Ministry of Education (otherwise not recognized by the Italian MIUR);


-Accreditation process for the teaching qualification in Romania;



Assistance for Internship in Romania:


We will offer any type of on-site assistance, trying to make your experience in Romania as enjoyable as possible.


As reiterated by the note from M.I.U.R in November 2014, internships carried out in Italy are not recognized by the Italian ministry.


Teaching Qualification in Romania:

Once the qualifying title is obtained, you can apply to


-teach in kindergarten;
-teach in primary school;
-apply to teach in lower secondary school;
-apply to teach in upper secondary school


Duration and Costs:


Cost: Euro 3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred) for consultancy services that must be paid only once


Maximum duration of the course: equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, lasting three academic years and enabling teaching in kindergarten and primary schools




We collaborate with the most important Romanian universities, accredited by the Ministry of Education. Final exams will be held at the university's premises



Requirements to access our course:


-be a citizen of the European Union;

-hold a High School Diploma issued by a member country of the European Union



Necessary Documents:



-Authenticated copy of the High School Diploma with the AJA apostille,

-Copy of identity card and tax code,

-Multilingual birth certificate with parents' names and marriage information,

-2 passport photos.


Recognition of the Romanian teaching qualification:



In accordance with Directive 2005/36/EC, implemented in Italy by Legislative Decree no. 206 of November 6, 2007, it is possible to apply for recognition for the professions of:


-kindergarten teacher;
-primary school teacher;
-lower secondary school teacher;
-upper secondary school teacher;

​-support teacher




Recognition can be requested for the teachings for which the interested party is legally qualified in the country that issued the title, provided that these teachings correspond to the Italian school system (corresponding profession).


Regulated training refers to training that leads to the achievement of a title (theoretical-practical, disciplinary, and didactic-pedagogical training) which, according to the rules of the country where it was obtained or recognized, allows the exercise of the profession as a qualified teaching. The title must, therefore, attest to a complete professional training, sanctioned in the forms of the law (final exam, internship, etc.), without which the legislation of the country that issued it subordinates the exercise of the activity as a qualified teacher.


Also, for the correct recognition of the profession, possession of linguistic knowledge is required. Art. 4 of Directive 36/2005/EC and Art. 7 of the related national legislative decree no. 206/2007 provide that, for the exercise of the profession, the beneficiaries of the recognition of professional qualifications must have the necessary language skills. The necessary language skill refers to knowledge of the language of the host country at a level consistent with the nature of the profession intended to be exercised.

To practice the teaching profession, a suitable knowledge of the Italian language is essential as linguistic knowledge is an integral part of the profession itself.




Requirements for Recognition in Italy:


the interested party must:


-be a citizen of the European Union;

-possess a professional training title issued by a member country of the European Union



Which Authority to contact for the recognition of the professional training title as a teacher


For teachers in public nurseries, primary schools, secondary schools, and in art institutions (including Conservatories, Fine Arts Academies, Isia)

Websites: www.istruzione.it  /  www.bdp.it/mpi.htm



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